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The thought of filing for divorce can be very intimidating to many individuals. There is paperwork to complete, agreements to review and sign, and possibly children to consider. To confidently bring an end to all of these matters, you need a competent, experienced legal team on your side.

Whether you are the spouse filing for divorce, or the spouse responding to a divorce petition, we can help. You are entitled to a portion of your jointly shared properties and possessions. Also, if there are children involved, your parental rights need to be preserved as well. We can represent you in child custody and visitation matters along with other issues stemming from your divorce.

A lawyer from one of our offices will personally review your case. At Hall & Rustom L.L.C., you will always have an attorney at the helm of your case to steer it in the right direction.

Do not be pushed around with regards to your divorce. Let us stand beside you in order to help gain a positive result to your case if possible.

Contact Hall & Rustom L.L.C. to discuss your individual needs. Our attentive attorneys and staff are dedicated to your specific requirements. Let us assist you in ensuring your rights are preserved throughout your divorce proceedings.

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