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Adoption can be an extremely joyous event in an individual’s life. However, there are many legal issues that arise in conjunction with adoptions that can cause this process to become stressful and emotionally taxing. At Hall & L.L.C., we understand your anxiety when dealing with adoption proceedings. Our attentive attorneys and staff are dedicated to your case and work tirelessly to alleviate some of your stress.

We pride ourselves on being available to our clients. Offering flexible appointment times is just one way we strive to accommodate your situation. Our staff understands the need for flexibility when young children are involved. They can be very unpredictable!

Some of the different types of adoptions that our skilled lawyers handle include:

  • Grandparent adoption
  • Stepparent adoption
  • Foster parent adoption
  • And a variety of other adoptions

Your family is growing and bringing the new member into your home should not put you into a legal situation. Besides documents that need to be signed in order to legalize the adoption, our attorneys can assist you with any other legal issues that may arise from the adoption. These could range from custody and visitation to child support matters, and more.

Contact Hall & Rustom L.L.C. today. Our experience can work to make the adoption process as simple as possible. Let us assist you with all of your adoption needs. We can make the arrival of your new family member the enjoyable occasion it should be! Let one of our attentive and dedicated lawyers stand by your side throughout the paternity case and advise you of related issues.

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