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Brain Injuries

Hall & Rustom L.L.C. represents clients and their loved ones who have suffered brain injuries. Every 25 seconds, one person in the U.S. suffers a Traumatic Brain Injury, commonly called TBI. A TBI is an injury to the brain due to a violent blow or jolt to the head that disrupts brain function. The most common causes of TBI are falls, motor vehicle accidents, use of firearms, and assault. TBI can have long-lasting and severe symptoms, including: memory loss, trouble with cognitive functions including reasoning and problem solving, difficulty controlling emotions, problems communicating, or even coma or death.

We will carefully explain your rights and options and help you or your loved one with all immediate as well as long-term needs. To meet your most pressing current concerns, our attorneys will help you prevent financial loss by recovering any lost wages, and negotiate with the proper insurance companies and any other parties in the case to make sure that your medical bills are paid. Our attorneys will also work to make sure that the potentially high costs of rehabilitation as well as other future medical expenses will not be a financial burden on your or your family.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, and are in Illinois, contact us online or call us at 877-699-4691 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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