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How can Hall & Rustom L.L.C. help me if I received a DUI or traffic violation?

Being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious charge with serious consequences. Prior to January 2009, if you blow over .08 on the breathalyzer, you will lose your license for 3 months (if it’s your first offense). If you refuse the breathalyzer, you will lose your license for 6 months (if it’s your first offense). Subsequent to January 2009, if you blow over .08 on the breathalyzer, you will lose your license for 6 months (if it's your first offense). If you refuse the breathalyzer, you will lose your license for 1 year (if it's your first time refusing within the past 5 years). During these suspension periods, you will be unable to drive.

At Hall & Rustom L.L.C., we will use our experience to get you back on the road and driving to work, for school, or for medical reasons. Additionally, you need qualified attorneys who can review your case to see if there were any mistakes made by the police in arresting you or pulling you over. It is never recommended to go into court for a criminal case without an attorney. At Hall & Rustom L.L.C., we will be next to you, leading you through, keeping you involved in every aspect of your case. We will do all we can to get you back on the road and driving.

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